Showing 2 Result(s)

Toxin Avoidance Opportunity: Baking Supplies

A second common source of aluminum is actually in common baking powder! Who doesn’t have this in their cupboard?! Turns out the ingredient list includes : Ingredients Corn Starch, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Sulfate, Monocalcium Phosphate. One easy switch that’s readily available is by Bob’s Red Mill Double Acting Baking Powder. Works the same way …

Toxin Avoidance Opportunities: Aluminum in your deodorant?!

One of the focuses on doing a Detox program is limiting the toxins coming into our body, while maximizing our ability to excrete them. Last issue we discussed ‘saying No’ to receipts to limit another source of BPA. This issue I want to encourage you to look into your bathroom cabinets at your deodorant. Aluminum …