Showing 17 Result(s)
white and blue cloudy sky

Get Smart about your Sunscreen!

With school out, and the temperature starting to rise, it’s time to think about sunscreen and protecting yourself from a burn! Why is this important? We slather sunscreen over a large surface area of our bodies, and some of those ingredients are going to get absorbed into the body. Think of your skin as a …

Why your antibiotic may be doing more harm than good.

Antibiotics can be a necessary treatment and certainly can be warranted in cases of serious infection, however, I want to let you know about the unintended consequences that may come about from unnecessary or prolonged use. Our microbiome, or the term given for the planetary level of gut bugs living in our GI-tract do more …

view of floating open book from stacked books in library

Book Recommendation: Atomic Habits

This book was gifted to me from a friend who thought I may appreciate the ideas given in helping clients achieve lifestyle changes. Spot on! This book is loaded with practical ideas on what allows us to adopt a new habit (or take away a bad one). It’s easy to read and gives a summary …

woman covering her breast with her hand

Anti-inflammatory Alternatives: Quench the Pain!

Everyone occasionally has aches and pains that need short-term relief to break the pain cycle. Often we turn to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain killers such as Ibuprofen (Advil) or Naproxen (Aleve). While these can provide quick relief, they are not without side effects. The prostaglandins that NSAIDs disrupt are also involved in providing protection in the …

Toxin Avoidance Opportunity: Baking Supplies

A second common source of aluminum is actually in common baking powder! Who doesn’t have this in their cupboard?! Turns out the ingredient list includes : Ingredients Corn Starch, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Aluminum Sulfate, Monocalcium Phosphate. One easy switch that’s readily available is by Bob’s Red Mill Double Acting Baking Powder. Works the same way …

Toxin Avoidance Opportunities: Aluminum in your deodorant?!

One of the focuses on doing a Detox program is limiting the toxins coming into our body, while maximizing our ability to excrete them. Last issue we discussed ‘saying No’ to receipts to limit another source of BPA. This issue I want to encourage you to look into your bathroom cabinets at your deodorant. Aluminum …

Time to Drop the Pop: Here’s Why and How

You probably hear all the time, “don’t drink pop”, “stop drinking soda”, etc. But can it really be that bad? A calorie is a calorie, right? and a regular bottle of Coca-Cola only has 240 calories, that’s not too many. Unfortunately, this is too simplistic and is not accurate–if it were that simple, we wouldn’t …