Showing 27 Result(s)

Magnesium for one, Magnesium for ALL!

Magnesium is used in over 300 enzymes in the body, so our body is using it up constantly. Not only is it in use all the time, but there are many characteristics of our modern lifestyle that are depleting it. For example, stress, certain medications (stomach acid blockers, water pills, etc), and drinks such as …

Brain Washed while you sleep–And why that’s a GOOD Thing

Sleep is so important in maintaining your health I thought I’d dive in to one of the lesser known things that happend during sleep. There are 4 stages to sleep that we go through every night: Deep sleep and REM sleep are the most important of these. Deep sleep occurs predominantly in the first half …

silhouette of trees on smoke covered forest

WildFire Support

We’ve experienced a number of alarming days in our air quality due to the smoke from burning Canadian wildfires. The Air Quality index measures 5 different substances in the air including: Ozone, particle count (what we’re concerned about with the current fires), carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. analyzes these data points and …

yellow inflatable sun at grass field

D up!

We’ve been discussing some of the most common supplement recommendations I make to clients based on their unique nutrition supply and demand. #2 on this list is the Sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D! Vitamin D is made in the skin when exposed to sufficient radiation from the sun. In most areas of the Midwest, we only …

white and blue cloudy sky

Get Smart about your Sunscreen!

With school out, and the temperature starting to rise, it’s time to think about sunscreen and protecting yourself from a burn! Why is this important? We slather sunscreen over a large surface area of our bodies, and some of those ingredients are going to get absorbed into the body. Think of your skin as a …

Why your antibiotic may be doing more harm than good.

Antibiotics can be a necessary treatment and certainly can be warranted in cases of serious infection, however, I want to let you know about the unintended consequences that may come about from unnecessary or prolonged use. Our microbiome, or the term given for the planetary level of gut bugs living in our GI-tract do more …

view of floating open book from stacked books in library

Book Recommendation: Atomic Habits

This book was gifted to me from a friend who thought I may appreciate the ideas given in helping clients achieve lifestyle changes. Spot on! This book is loaded with practical ideas on what allows us to adopt a new habit (or take away a bad one). It’s easy to read and gives a summary …

woman covering her breast with her hand

Anti-inflammatory Alternatives: Quench the Pain!

Everyone occasionally has aches and pains that need short-term relief to break the pain cycle. Often we turn to over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain killers such as Ibuprofen (Advil) or Naproxen (Aleve). While these can provide quick relief, they are not without side effects. The prostaglandins that NSAIDs disrupt are also involved in providing protection in the …

Food as Medicine: Beets Edition!

Does food really impact our day-to-day life that much? Absolutely! You’re body is constantly taking cues from your environment (Everything you breathe, eat, drink, and think) and responding to these accordingly. One fascinating study from 2004 found that after eating a sausage mcmuffin and 2 hash browns from mcdonalds, participants blood levels of inflammatory markers …