balanced stones

Achieve Optimal Hormone Balance

Understanding Hormones: Hormones are vital chemical messengers that relay important signals throughout your body, responding to changes in your environment and internal state. Often, we might be tempted to “ignore the message” because we don’t like what it’s telling us—whether it’s PMS, PCOS, peri-menopause, or post-menopause symptoms. However, these messages are essential for understanding our health and well-being.

The Bigger Picture: Hormone Interconnectedness

While we often think of sex hormones in isolation, they are deeply interconnected with other key hormones in the body, such as insulin, cortisol, and thyroid hormones. These hormones constantly communicate with each other, influencing everything from your metabolism and stress response to energy levels and overall health. Achieving balance means considering the entire hormonal landscape, not just one aspect of it.

Find the Root Cause of Hormonal Imbalance

Whether you’re struggling with disruptive symptoms or simply want to understand your hormone dynamics better, I can help you uncover the true meaning behind your body’s signals and provide actionable steps to address them.

Your Path to Balance: Personalized Approaches

As a compounding pharmacist, Doug has extensive experience with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), an option that may be suitable for some. However, as a Functional Medicine practitioner, I also offer non-hormonal approaches to help you achieve hormone balance naturally.

Advanced Testing: The DUTCH Test

To get a clear picture of your hormone health, I highly recommend the DUTCH test—a comprehensive dried urine hormone test that provides detailed insights into your sex and adrenal hormones. This test is the gold standard in hormone testing, offering accurate and actionable data to guide your treatment plan.

Thrive, Don’t Just Survive: Achieving Hormone Wellness

True hormone wellness goes beyond symptom management—it’s about addressing the root causes of your imbalance to help you thrive. With a personalized approach, we can work together to restore harmony to your hormones and improve your overall quality of life.

Learn More

Ready to take the first step toward balanced hormones and a healthier you? Click here to book your free discovery call and start your journey today!

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that working with Doug and utilizing the Dutch Test has literally redefined my life.”

Terri, West Salem, WI

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that working with Doug and utilizing the Dutch Test has literally redefined my life.  During the last 42 years I’ve consulted with mainstream physicians, homeopathic doctors,
nutritionist or anyone else that I’d hoped could provide an answer for my symptoms, in the process I spent thousands.  Time and time again I’d end up disappointed. Does this sound like you: fatigue, no sleep pattern, sugar cravings, heart burn, constipation, brain fog, racing thoughts, poor memory, weight gain, no libido, joint pain, muscle pain, neck and shoulder stiffness, arthritis, allergies, asthma, rosacea, eczema, dizziness, anxiety etc..  However, after I got the results of my Dutch Test and consulted with Doug, so many things made sense!  The test validated so many things!  I got the answers I’d been searching for.  I’m now on hormones and a supplement regimen that has changed my life, along with a new diet. What have you got to lose by taking the test.  In the long run, you’ll save money, possibly live longer and have a better quality of life.
Don’t waste your time being less than what you were born to be and just do it!”

-Terri -West Salem, WI