Toxin Avoidance Opportunities: Aluminum in your deodorant?!

woman in white tank top smiling

One of the focuses on doing a Detox program is limiting the toxins coming into our body, while maximizing our ability to excrete them. Last issue we discussed ‘saying No’ to receipts to limit another source of BPA. This issue I want to encourage you to look into your bathroom cabinets at your deodorant. Aluminum is commonly added to anti-perspirants as they melt into the skin and block the sweat pore and prevent you from sweating.

Aluminum is classified as a Heavy Metal -meaning the atom is a ‘heavier atomic weight’ than iron (others include Mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic). Heavy Metals can create havoc on the body as they need to be transformed to get excreted, often using our most powerful anti-oxidant, Glutathione. Glutathione is an important part of our own detoxification processes and Aluminum is particularly good at slowing down glutathione production. This means Aluminum intake makes it tougher to get rid of Aluminum and so the cycle can continue. Aluminum has a potential role in brain and memory conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. You can read more about deodorant, aluminum and Alzheimer’s connection here.

While we can try to make sure we are an awesome Detoxifier, it’s better off if we can just avoid the toxin. This is akin to saying ‘I want to be an awesome garbage sorter’, but why not just get out of the dumpster! One alternative I’ve been using and like is by Native. imageYou can find this at Target, Wal-mart or Amazon without issue. Note when switching, you may notice some discoloration on your shirt as your body is getting rid of the aluminum.