white ceramic mug and saucer with coffee beans on brown textile

Caffeine and Alternatives to get your buzz!

Caffeine Alternatives!

Today, let’s dive into the stimulating world of caffeine and unravel its effects on adrenal health and detoxification. As we sip our morning brew or enjoy that midday pick-me-up, it’s crucial to understand how caffeine can influence our bodies beyond just a jolt of energy.

First off, let’s talk adrenal health. Our adrenal glands play a pivotal role in managing stress responses and regulating various bodily functions. Enter caffeine, the beloved fuel for many, but also a potential stressor for our adrenal glands. You see, excessive caffeine consumption can put a strain on these tiny powerhouses, leading to adrenal fatigue or dysregulation over time. It’s like revving up your car engine constantly without giving it a chance to cool down – eventually, it’s bound to wear out. The only difference in this analogy is that the adrenal glands don’t ‘wear out’ per se, but the body realizes that excess cortisol release overtime can be detrimental, so it starts to produce less–and we feel it.

Now, onto the fascinating world of detoxification. Our bodies are equipped with sophisticated mechanisms to rid themselves of toxins, and caffeine can have a role to play here too. Specifically, caffeine has been found to upregulate phase 1 detoxification pathways in the liver. Phase 1 detoxification is like the initial stage of a deep clean, where toxins are metabolized and prepared for elimination.

But hold on, before you start chugging that extra cup of coffee in the name of detox, let’s examine the bigger picture. While caffeine may rev up phase 1 detoxification, it’s essential to ensure that phase 2 detoxification pathways are equally supported. There are many things we do to increase phase 1 (Medications, caffeine, alcohol, stress, and smoking are just some). Phase 2 is where toxins are further processed and neutralized before being excreted from the body. Things that upregulate phase 2 are not as ubiquitous in our lifestyles (cruciferous vegetables, sprouted veggies, fish oil, turmeric) Without proper balance between phase 1 and phase 2, we risk creating a backlog of toxic intermediates, which are often MORE Toxic than the original toxin!

So, what’s a caffeine lover to do? Here are some tips to strike a balance:

  1. Moderation is Key: Enjoy your caffeine fix in moderation. Opt for quality over quantity and be mindful of your intake throughout the day.
  2. Support Your Adrenals: Give your adrenal glands some love by incorporating stress-reducing practices like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature.
  3. Nourish Your Body: Fuel up with nutrient-dense foods that support both phases of detoxification. Think leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and antioxidant-rich fruits.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Hydration is crucial for optimal detoxification. Balance out your caffeine intake with plenty of water to help flush out toxins efficiently.
  5. Consider Alternatives: Explore caffeine alternatives like herbal teas or decaffeinated options to give your adrenals a break without sacrificing flavor. I’ll list a couple alternatives below for you to check out!

If you plan on decreasing the amount of caffeine you take in daily, it’s important to calculate how much you get in a day. Here’s a table with the amounts in commonly enjoyed beverages:

Coffee (brewed)95 mg
Espresso63 mg
Tea (brewed)30-50 mg
Green Tea25-35 mg
Black Tea40-70 mg
White Tea15-30 mg
Matcha Green Tea70 mg
Decaffeinated Coffee2-5 mg
Decaffeinated Tea2-5 mg
Energy Drinks70-160 mg
Soda (cola)20-40 mg
Soda (diet)0 mg
Chocolate (dark)20-30 mg
Chocolate (milk)1-15 mg

When trying to wean off, I recommend decreasing by no more than 25% per day over a week. For example, If you currently drink 2 cups of coffee every morning (~200mg), and are planning on weaning off. On days 1-2 have a cup of coffee along with a matcha or green tea. On days 3-4 have 1 cup of coffee and a cup of green tea. On day 5 have 1/2 cup of coffee (add hot water to dilute) and a cup of green tea. On day 6 have 2 cups of green tea. On day 7 have 1 cup of green tea. Make sure to stay hydrated throughout (with electrolytes)! If you need additional boosts, consider the alternatives below such as Teeccino (you can find this on amazon too), dandyblend, MudWTR, or adaptogenic herbs like Chaga, Ashwaganda, or Rhodiola. Try these more nourishing coffee alternatives to gain the focus and energy benefits without a crash or sleep disruption!