person holding crystal ball

Perspective is EVERYTHING!

person holding crystal ball

Gonna get a little personal with ya:

I wanted to share a perspective shift and explain why I’m now grateful for the wart on my knee. Wait, What?! Sounds pretty gross, right? So, here’s the deal, I’ve had a wart on my knee for probably the last 20+ years. I’ve done everything to try and get rid of it, duct tape, salicylic acid films, over-the-counter freezing options, liquid nitrogen at the Dr, you name it. Let me give you a little background about warts so you can appreciate my newfound gratitude.

Common warts are caused by a virus called HPV, the human papillomavirus. This virus causes extra skin to grow and can be highly contagious. Typically the immune system will attack viruses through what’s known as a Th1 response. This goes after threats inside the cell (like a virus). The body also has a Th2 response, which goes after threats outside the cell (eg. bacteria, fungus, etc). Stress can impact our immune system in a couple of ways; 1. It releases a surge in cortisol, which is anti-inflammatory (remember, inflammation is not bad, per se, too much inflammation or inflammation that lasts too long is a problem), and 2. Chronic stress impairs the Th1 response in favor of a Th2 (ie: not as good at fighting a virus). If you want to nerd out further, here’s a good article on it.

Ok, enough of the immune system primer, here’s why I now consider the wart on my knee a gift. I noticed mid-way through the pandemic, after some of the initial chaos and worrying start settling down, that my knee looked completely normal. I had been focusing on boosting immune system nutrients such as Fish oil, Vitamin D, Zinc, Quercetin and vitamin C. I also had started a meditation practice, focused on getting quality sleep, and incorporated mindful breathing techniques at work. I finally figured it out: My Immune system was doing its job and suppressing the virus on its own!

Every once in a while, I notice the wart starting to trigger extra skin growth and come out to play. When this happens, I now do a better job prioritizing my self-care, willingly say ‘no’ to extra work opportunities, and focusing on being in a parasympathetic nervous system mode (where healing, resting, procreating, and digesting happen).

Perspective Shift: image

I feel like this may be a good place to remind us that Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it! The fact that I have a wart on my knee is a fact (it’s annoying, yes, but it’s there); I don’t have to be frustrated by it, I can instead use it as a built-in barometer to remind me how I’m doing with my self-care.

The next time you’re in the dumps, or having a rough time; instead of focusing on ‘Why is this happening to me?”, try asking “Why is this happening for me”? A subtle shift, but a powerful one. Let me know what unsuspecting thing you are grateful for!

If you’re feeling stuck with the same old results or lack thereof, Book your FREE discovery call and let’s see if we’d be a good fit!